Nathan Fleet Bio

Nathan Fleet has been writing, recording and performing music for over 17 years. He continues to be a singer/songwriter but film composition has been the main outlet for writing original music, scoring over 20 film / tv projects to date. Recently his company, Feature Presentation Entertainment, completed their first feature length movie Fvoyer. Nathan's roles in Fvoyer were writer, director and composer. Nathan enjoys sharing his knowledge and is a private guitar teacher at the Avalon Music Academy.

His first band, in high school, was the metal rock band Slayed Angel which later became the progressive rock band Madman Symphony which is now the rock band Park Row. In 1995 Nathan released his first (and only to date) solo CD entitled Far and Away.

Immediately after recording Far and Away, Nathan began making films. With a Super 8 camera and the help of a friend Derek Dwyer, Superintelligence was made. This 17 minute debut film traveled the U.S. with the Super Super 8 film festival. The films that followed were The Green Grass System (16mm) and Marshmallow (Super 8) which received great reviews and played in New York, New Jersey, BC and Toronto. The punk/rock band Spin Dizzy called upon Nathan's directing skills to shoot their first single "GO",  which was played on Much Music, Canada's premier music channel. In addition to making films he has composed the music for several independent film productions and has participated in other roles such as producer, sound editor and co-writer. Samples are posted in the Movie Theatre section of the website.

The Mohawk college applied music program is where Nathan studied music for 3 years.He is a full time member at  L.I.F.T. (Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto) is where he studies film through workshops and booking equipment.

In the spring of 2002 another creative decision took place...a children's musical with puppets. The puppets, used for Superintelligence, sat unused in a can for 6 years. With the growing number of music programs being cut within the school board he decided to fill the void. Belle and Beau's Guitar Case Adventure is a one of a kind performance. The story: Belle and Beau love music so much that they decided to live in a musician's guitar case and travel all over with him. They don't think that the musician knows about them so they only come out when he takes a break. The show is performed in schools, day cares, festivals and theatres and is a hit with the kids! The show focuses on the love and enjoyment of music and encourages participation through singing and movement.

subject to change

Band: Ozzy Osbourne, Iron Maiden
Guitarist: Randy Rhoads, Zakk Wylde
Composer: John Williams
Album: Star Wars (original 1977 release)
Recent Albums: Private Radio-Billy Bob Thornton, Misundaztood-Pink,Mighty Wind Soundtrack
Indie Artist: Waxmannequin
Movie: Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
Top 11: Dog Day Afternoon, Halloween, The Conversation, American Movie, Back to the Future, Superman, E.T., Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: A New Hope, Silence of the Lambs
DVD: This is Spinal Tap / Moulin Rouge / The Conversation / American Movie / Unbreakable
Actor: Al Pacino/Harrison Ford/John Candy/Gene Hackman/Philip Seymour Hoffman/Joe Morton/ Gary Oldman
Actress: Frances McDormand/Jodie Foster/Nicole Kidman/Toni Collette/Kathy Bates/Regina King
Director: Steven Spielberg/M. Night Shyamalan/Francis Ford Coppola/Tim Burton/Sidney Lumet/John Huges/
Creator/Producer: George Lucas, Jim Henson, Steven Spielberg
TV Show: 24, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Radio Station: CHML 900, The Roy Green Show
Puppet: Kermit the Frog, Yoda (Episode IV version)
Droid: R2-D2
Guitar: One that works and stays in tune (Gibson Les Paul preferred)
Pick: 1mm, Blue Tortex
Guitar Strings: GHS Boomers CL 9-46
Guitar toy: Ebow
Food: Popcorn
Drink: Coca Cola
Restaurant: Kelseys & Hutches
Season: Fall
Colour: Black
Time of Day: Sun down
Moon: Full
Animal: Cat
Game: Risk
Smell: Theatre Popcorn
Number: 12
Moment: My Wedding