m a r s h m a l l o w
copyright 1998/9/2000 feature presentation entertainment
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A four year old girl is abducted from a city park. This is a story about pur wounding.

Well...this film started while I was waiting to hear from the Canada Council regarding funding for The Green Grass System. I had some money saved and I was itching' to go into production. I love going into production, post is usually where things slow down and money runs low. I wanted to do something short, no dialogue using Super 8. I started with about two dozen story boards and I was ready. The idea was very simple but very dark. I had a talk with lead actor Derek Dwyer about playing the abductor. I knew that he would analyze and produce this dark character. I never knew that it would have the effect that it did on audiences. "Chilling... hard...disturbing..." are just some of the comments. I have used Derek in all my shorts and never have to worry about his performance. If I gave him a script and NEVER talked to him until shooting day he'd give me what I need and then some. A true actor...trust me. I also cast Chris Adeney , a guitar student of mine at the time, (he's great and didn't need lessons - I just did some cool theory stuff) as the Jogger. I knew he had it in him to play the 'observer'. Derek's role was expressed through the things he did, Chris' role was expressed through his actions and curiosities. Everything he did, he did perfectly. I later saw Chris in a play and he was very dynamic and expressive. I would love to cast him in a speaking role in the future!

It was filmed entirely in Hamilton ON, CANADA at the following locations:
-John Street N. train tracks
-My house
-a local park
-Beautiful Longwood St. in the westdale community
-Sam Laurence park on the escarpment
-a downtown alley

There was a total of 6 shooting days due to the camera falling and the lens going out of whack. I had to re-shoot a bunch of stuff. It was all early shoots. There was no crew. Just the actor and myself. Derek and Chris never met during the shoot and never shared a scene. It was a very intimate shoot. I don't like a lot of people hanging around. The 'train' scene took the longest because we had to wait for a train to pass. After a while Derek and I got kicked out of the area. We were actually  on CN territory. We lied and said we were doing a school documentary. Security was cool about it.

In the jogger 'Longwood st' scene I panned from L to R as the Jogger entered from the right and continued down the street. We did a couple of takes to get some people going by with dog's or bikes. As I started another take a Police car drove up the road towards the camera as the jogger passed. I said to myself the following : "please keep jogging, please don't stop your car in frame, please keep jogging, please drive past the camera...I don't care if you stop me...keep driving." The result is in the film.

Post went like this:    Super 8 to video > edit on Media 100 > video conform to Beta SP and titles > sound edit > sound to picture > BetaSP master >
copies > BetaSP to 16mm >Sound to mag to optical > print! I'll post a total budget page soon. After that it was 8x10 stills and promo packs and submissions to festivals. Here's ALL the places we submitted to >  here

I may post some more info as I submit and remember! Maybe I'll get some cast and crew comments / stories!
See ya - don't forget to visit our upcoming events page to see where it' being screened.


Man Derek Dwyer tivoli.xux.net
Jogger Chris Adeney www.waxmanequin.com
Girl A.F.
Written and Directed by Nathan Fleet
Music written and performed by Whitney Daniel / Nathan Fleet
Edited by Erin DiTescetty
Sound Edit by Kimberlie Dufresne
Video conform and titles Tim Dashwood
Music recorded by Dean Hopkins at ICU Music Studios, Hamilton
Additional Post Bill Geekie at Creative Artists Group
Post Production LIFT
Canadian Film Makers Distribution Centre
CFMDC 37 Hanna Ave., Suite 220
Toronto ON, CANADA M6K 1W8
ph(416) 588-0725 fx(416)588-7956
